21k La Ceiba was born in 2019 under the name of half marathon "PONIÉNDOLE 21k '', as an internal initiative of the company STANDARD FRUIT DE HONDURAS, with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyles among employees.
Due to the success of the half marathon, in 2020 it was opened to the public with the objective of supporting the economic development of the city of La Ceiba and at the same time supporting 3 NGO'S that have great impact in the area, these were The CRILA, Emilia D'cuire School and Pro-cancer Foundation.
For the year 2021 the need to adapt and innovate arose due to the pandemic and the race was held in the virtual edition under the restrictions of holding large-scale events in the city.
Between 2020 and 2021, $19,800 was raised for local NGOs thanks to the participation of more than 1,700 people.
For the year 2022, the 5th edition will be held in which a total of 1,200 athletes are expected to travel from all over the country, in the modalities of 5k, 10km and 21km.
Enter the regulations to learn more about the 21K La Ceiba 2025.
Viernes 8:00am- 6:00pm
Sábado 9:00am -8:00pm
Location: Swinford Park, Barrio El Centro, La Ceiba
5k | 10k | 21k
Malecón Reynaldo Canales
21k - 5:00am
10k - 5:05am
5K - 5:10am
Female / Male
Teens 15-17 years old (only 5k)
Junior 18-30 years old (5k, 10K, and 21K)
Senior 31-40 years old (5k, 10K, and 21K)
Máster 41-50 years old (5k, 10K, and 21K)
Máster Plus 51- 60 years old (5k, 10K y 21K)
Máster Gold 61+ (5k, 10K y 21K)
General 21k, 10k, 5k
This year's kit is inspired by the Garifuna culture of La Ceiba and the grand international carnival. It includes a shirt, a bag, and a race number.

In shades of blue and white, the official T-shirt was inspired by the Malecón Reinaldo Canales.

A 3-inch cast medal will be given to all participants at the finish line.
We invite you to run together the happiest half marathon in Honduras
Departure from the Malecón Reynaldo Canales
The start will be at 5:30am, with a warm-up at 5:00am.Walking down the street to Barrio Ingles
Towards Paseo los Ceibeños, until you reach Bulevar de La Amistad.La Amistad Boulevard
Turn left onto 8th Street
U-turn in front of Dole
Continue on 8th Street to the Bonitillo roundaboutU-turn at the Bonitillo roundabout
Return on 8th Street to La Amistad Boulevard
Paseo de los ceibeños
Finish line
Departure from the Malecón Reynaldo Canales
Passes through Barrio Inglés
Passes through Paseo de los CeibeñosLa Amistad Boulevard
Right turn onto 8th Street
Passes 5K turnaround pointU-turn behind Leyde
Returns via 8th Street to Paseo de los Ceibeños
Finish line
Departure from the Malecón Reynaldo Canales
Passes through Barrio Inglés
Passes through Paseo de los CeibeñosLa Amistad Boulevard
Right turn onto 8th StreetU-turn before Quebrada de Adán Bridge
Returns via 8th Street to Paseo de los Ceibeños
Finish line